Pet Services Agreement

Please read and complete the pet services agreement and waiver. Before we can provide care to your pet, please keep in mind the following policies:

  • Vaccinations are required for all animals in our care (based on your Vet’s recommendations)
  • An assessment will be conducted on your pet’s behavior for all daycare dogs or any pets that will be allowed group play during boarding


The Barkfast Club Registration Form for Pet Care Services
Approximate if unknown
*Animals under 4 months of age are accepted without Rabies vaccine – however, no group play will be allowed
**Bordetella is required yearly, but encouraged every six months
This information will help us get to know your pet and be aware of any potential issues before they arise.
Include any other Allergies / Physical Limitations / Medical Conditions

Media Usage

We’d love to feature your pets on our website, social media, and in marketing materials. No pet names (or pet parent/owner names) will be used in any posts to protect your privacy.

Even if you prefer us not use photos of your pet, we will still send photo/video and updates of your pets while in our care directly to you.

Pet Care Services Agreement

Please carefully read the below bullet points and type your name below stating you agree to the waiver of liability and the medical release. If you have questions or concerns about anything in this agreement, feel free to reach out directly to us via phone, text, email, or our website contact form.


  • I agree that my pet will stay current on all required vaccinations, prevention medication for fleas and ticks, and has not been ill within the last 30 days.
  • I understand that while my pet is vaccinated, that vaccines are not guaranteed and there is a small risk that my pet may contact a contagious disease or illness. I agree that should this occur, I am responsible for my own pet’s care, medical attention and costs.
  • I understand that although all pets are fully supervised, incidents of injuries may occur from playing with other animals, which includes but is not limited to bites, scrapes, scratches and sprains.
  • I agree that I am responsible for any damages that my pet may cause.
  • Should my pet be left for seven (7) days without a boarding agreement or without arrangements from the pet owner(s), my pet shall be considered abandoned and may be taken to a local shelter after all contact attempts have been exhausted.
  • I represent that my pet has not harmed or shown aggressive behaviors towards any person or other animal. I understand The Barkfast Club reserves the right to remove my pet from the play area and place my pet in a separate holding area should my pet display unwanted or aggressive behaviors.
  • I allow The Barkfast Clubs staff to contact my veterinarian for any injuries or illness that require medical attention in the event that the pet owner(s) or authorized emergency contacts cannot be reached.
  • I agree that I am solely responsible for any medical expenses acquired for my pet whether treated at my veterinarian or a veterinarian chosen by The Barkfast Club.
  • I release The Barkfast Club, its owner, staff, property owners, and any representatives from any and all liability which I or my pet may suffer including but not limited to injury, sickness, damage, or death resulting from participation in services offered by The Barkfast Club.


  • This is a required form for all The Barkfast Club participants receiving services. The safety and well-being of your pet is of the highest priority while in care of The Barkfast Club. Insuring that your pet remains safe and well cared for is our first responsibility and as such we take it very seriously. We do our best to have our pet parents screen for pre-existing health conditions but some factors may be beyond our control.
  • In the event a medical emergency arises while a pet is under our care it is imperative that we are immediately able to get them medical treatment at the closest available facility. We will call ahead to the veterinary offices in closest proximity geographically to us to insure they can handle the emergency present. Your pet will be rushed to the closest available facility for treatment and you will be notified. In life threatening emergencies, we may notify the owner after we have secured a medical treatment center for the animal to avoid delays in proper care. Our goal is to get your pet medical attention as quickly as humanly possible. For that reason, it is a requirement to have our pet parents sign this medical waiver.
  • I understand that in the event of a medical emergency The Barkfast Club, at its sole discretion, may seek immediate attention of a licensed veterinarian. I authorize The Barkfast Club to seek medical attention at the closest available veterinary facility. I further agree that I am financially responsible for any medical treatment my pet receives as a result of a medical emergency while in the care of The Barkfast Club.
  • By typing my name below, I certify that I am the legal owner or authorized by the legal owner of the pet described on the registration form. I further certify that I have read and understand the agreement, waivers, and medical release and agree to abide by the regulations and accept all terms and conditions as set out.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
*Required, but you may also bring these in when you drop off your pet or text a photo of them to 502-501-5552.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
Not required, but we’d love to see your pet’s adorable face!